
Singles - Extra Long Scale Bass Boomers

GHS Strings Brightness Bar for Electric Bass Guitar Strings

GHS Strings Bass Boomers

GHS Strings released Bass Boomers® in 1975, and altered the course of rock and roll! Winding a nickel-plated steel cover over a hex core, Bass Boomers® have a distinct low-mid bump that is aggressive and bold. Equally suited for pick or fingerstyle, the special recipe of stainless and nickel-plate on the low E and B strings keep your sound defined and strong. Hear why millions consider Bass Boomers® as THE POWER STRING.

Why Should You Play Bass Boomers?

  • You're running from a rock gig to a studio session and need a versatile string
  • You enjoy a clear, articulate picked tone with plenty of low end
  • You're looking to bring a lot of low-mid punch to your bass tone
DYB75X Singles - Extra Long Scale Bass Boomers - .075 - 38" Winding Length
DYB135X Singles - Extra Long Scale Bass Boomers - .135 - 38" Winding Length
DYB130X Singles - Extra Long Scale Bass Boomers - .130 - 38" Winding Length
DYB125X Singles - Extra Long Scale Bass Boomers - .125 - 38" Winding Length
DYB120X Singles - Extra Long Scale Bass Boomers - .120 - 38" Winding Length
DYB105X Singles - Extra Long Scale Bass Boomers - .105 - 38" Winding Length
DYB100X Singles - Extra Long Scale Bass Boomers - .100 - 38" Winding Length
DYB95X Singles - Extra Long Scale Bass Boomers - .095 - 38" Winding Length
DYB90X Singles - Extra Long Scale Bass Boomers - .090 - 38" Winding Length
DYB85X Singles - Extra Long Scale Bass Boomers - .085 - 38" Winding Length
DYB80X Singles - Extra Long Scale Bass Boomers - .080 - 38" Winding Length
DYB20X Singles - Extra Long Scale Bass Boomers - .020 - 38" Winding Length
DYB70X Singles - Extra Long Scale Bass Boomers - .070 - 38" Winding Length
DYB65X Singles - Extra Long Scale Bass Boomers - .065 - 38" Winding Length
DYB60X Singles - Extra Long Scale Bass Boomers - .060 - 38" Winding Length
DYB55X Singles - Extra Long Scale Bass Boomers - .055 - 38" Winding Length
DYB50X Singles - Extra Long Scale Bass Boomers - .050 - 38" Winding Length
DYB45X Singles - Extra Long Scale Bass Boomers - .045 - 38" Winding Length
DYB40X Singles - Extra Long Scale Bass Boomers - .040 - 38" Winding Length
DYB35X Singles - Extra Long Scale Bass Boomers - .035 - 38" Winding Length
DYB30X Singles - Extra Long Scale Bass Boomers - .030 - 38" Winding Length
DYB25X Singles - Extra Long Scale Bass Boomers - .025 - 38" Winding Length
Roman W.

Hi! I have the BTB805MS... So what you are saying is GHS doesn't offer strings that fit 39" winding? Or if the B string isn't tapered at all, that would also work! Its really frustrating that Ibanez or Daddario (with which they come out of the factory) don't offer ANY strings to fit with these types of instruments. Its a big PITA and costs way more... 

Best regards!

David H.

I purchased the DYB125X for my new Ibanez BTB605MS bass guitar and it is still about an inch too short. The fanned fret fingerboard is based on the Dingwall basses with a 38" from bridge to nut measurement. I have been a faithful user of GHS Boomers for 40 years now. Please tell me how I can get boomers for my new bass. Can I have them custom made?

David H. 

Jonathan Moody

Hi David, thanks for your note. The Dingwall B string needs at least a 39" winding length to properly clear the nut. 

Custom made strings are sadly not an option. Those typically require set up fees and a minimum order quantity.

