Oscar Stern

I love these strings. The coolest string for both Acoustic & Electric Bass Guitar. Any Bass Guitar set will work w/ any Bass Guitar. Flatwounds on an Acoustic Bass would be cool.

Jonathan Moody

Flats on an acoustic bass ARE pretty cool! You lose a little of the volume and nuance of the acoustic-electric, but that's usually not an issue for many. 

Oscar Stern

Hi Jonathan Moody but the cool thing about Flat wounds is that they won't scratch the Frets nor Fingerboard meaning that the instrument will be in better shape. These are basically Balanced Bass Strings in Bronze.

Jonathan Moody

Oscar, that is such an overblown myth. Technique and maintenance will play a much bigger role in how well the frets/fingerboard survive over the years. To pick a set of strings solely for that reason alone is a shame, where the player is missing out of a lot of great tone options.

And yes, these ARE balanced bronze bass strings; I designed them as such. The rollerwinding was due to people loving the sound of bronze strings on an acoustic bass, but hating the string noise that comes with that material. Having them play a bit better with the frets/fingerboard was a bonus.