Ryan j.

Im pretty disappointed with this string set. Im healing from a wrist injury and Im looking for a set of 9 flats because I love flats but larger flats hurt to much.  4th  string tuned to d is playing ab on the fifth fret. Its a half step down all the way down the neck makes absolutely no sense. My guitar was properly intonated with the set I took off before theses I put on a 28g d string from a larger set of flats and its perfectly in tune all the way of the neck..  


guys. Please update this site to include all gauges contained in each set. Please.

Tony W.

What is the status on providing 10-46 Precision Flats?


Ben M.

I just bought the GHS precision flatwounds 9 gauge strings I was wondering if the g string is a plain g 

Nathaniel M.

Do you have any options for a baritone guitar that are also stainless steel?

Jonathan Moody

Hi Nathaniel, not at this time. The thickest Precision Flats single we currently offer is only a .054.