
Singles - Round Core Bass Boomers

GHS Strings Round Core Bass Boomers

Designed by bassists in the office and road-tested by bassists from our Artist Family, Round Core Bass Boomers have a full frequency sound (generous in the low mids) with a clear, soft high end. Nickel-Plated steel is wound over a round core, providing a more tactile feel under your fingers. With a balanced construction with the G/E strings, Round Core Bass Boomers are consistent across the entire fretboard.

Why Should You Play Round Core Bass Boomers?

  • You want consistency across the entire fretboard
  • You want to unlock the full tonal spectrum of your bass
  • You want a more tactile feeling set of Bass Boomers
RC-DYB75 Singles - Round Core Bass Boomers - .075 - 37.25" Winding Length
RC-DYB130 Singles - Round Core Bass Boomers - .130 - 37.25" Winding Length
RC-DYB126 Singles - Round Core Bass Boomers - .126 - 37.25" Winding Length
RC-DYB115 Singles - Round Core Bass Boomers - .115 - 37.25" Winding Length
RC-DYB105 Singles - Round Core Bass Boomers - .105 - 37.25" Winding Length
RC-DYB100 Singles - Round Core Bass Boomers - .100 - 37.25" Winding Length
RC-DYB95 Singles - Round Core Bass Boomers - .095 - 37.25" Winding Length
RC-DYB85 Singles - Round Core Bass Boomers - .085 - 37.25" Winding Length
RC-DYB80 Singles - Round Core Bass Boomers - .080 - 37.25" Winding Length
RC-DYB30 Singles - Round Core Bass Boomers - .030 - 37.25" Winding Length
RC-DYB70 Singles - Round Core Bass Boomers - .070 - 37.25" Winding Length
RC-DYB65 Singles - Round Core Bass Boomers - .065 - 37.25" Winding Length
RC-DYB60 Singles - Round Core Bass Boomers - .060 - 37.25" Winding Length
RC-DYB55 Singles - Round Core Bass Boomers - .055 - 37.25" Winding Length
RC-DYB50 Singles - Round Core Bass Boomers - .050 - 37.25" Winding Length
RC-DYB45 Singles - Round Core Bass Boomers - .045 - 37.25" Winding Length
RC-DYB40 Singles - Round Core Bass Boomers - .040 - 37.25" Winding Length
